We are delighted that you stopped by to give us a moment of your time and consideration. The stakeholders and solution providers of the Consortium are building alliances with like-minded individuals and organizations to infuse equity in the pedagogical processes of the public education system in the Commonwealth.

At our inception, we worked as an unincorporated association organized as a rag-tag group of passionate advocates, parents, and students working to be heard by the major educational stakeholders, such as the local School Division Leadership, Commonwealth Secretary of Education, Commonwealth Superintendent of Public Instruction. Through our efforts, we were able to push the envelope and win significant victories for vulnerable families unable to navigate the complex labyrinth of policies and processes unfair and inequitable.

Now, we are organized to structurally improve the scope and scale of our influence with the addition of you. Join us as we work to make sure that all citizen learners have the opportunity to receive the knowledge, skills, abilities, and resources to achieve a Fair and Appropriate Public Education for our students whether they are in the general education program, special education, career technical education, or have a 504 plan.

Serving the Commonwealth,

Frank J. Thornton, M.Ed.